独特之蕞 发表于 2018-12-12 16:02:23

amorphous cell建模时出现错误,大侠们帮忙看看

amorphous cell建模时出现错误,大侠们帮忙看看
分子数少时,amorphous cell没有任何问题。
但是分子数多时,amorphous cell就出错。
2013/02/13@11:04:26 - waterchun AC Constr ERROR AmorphousCellConstruct has finished with an empty acclog file
2013/02/13@11:05:20 - waterchun AC Constr ERROR Failed to Import file: waterchun.xtd. One or more arguments are invalid
2013/02/13@11:05:20 - waterchun AC Constr ERROR Files not removed from server due to previous errors.
2013/02/13@11:05:20 - waterchun AC Constr WARN As instructed, files have been left on remote server, these may need to be manually archived
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